My work is an extension of my way of being in the world. More a vocation than a job: an aspiration to be a host, to allow space and time for exploration and healing; a deep trust in the autonomy, uniqueness, and resources of each person.
My root training was humanistic/person-centred/existential; my research interests included meditation and therapy (outside the simplistic constraints of ‘mindfulness’) and more recently identity and emancipation, with an emphasis on transformation rather than genteel positive change, on exploration and adventure rather than solely safety and secure attachment. I have since branched out to learn from other orientations and developments that I perceive as alert to the nuances and challenges of a fast-changing world: other-centred psychoanalysis, the work of Jean Laplanche, Judith Butler, and Gilles Deleuze, among others. My practice is nomadic, ever-changing; a philosophically-oriented therapy sensitive to the fact that the human self or subject is itself nomadic, multiple and, in Carl Rogers’ words, a ‘flowing river of change’.
Areas I work with:
Couples Counselling
Eating Disorders
Life Transitions
Low Self-Esteem
Relationship Issues
Work Related Issues
I am a member of UKCP, United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (membership number 2011162334), IPN (Independent Practitioners Network) and the Relational School